Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?

Thinking back to the seventies to the 'afro' hairsyles of bands such as Jackson 5, Huggy Bear and others, is that the natural way it grows? Considering the effort it takes to make cornrows, plaits and to straighten it I was just wondering. If it is, how come the tribes of africa don't seem to wear their hair in this style?

Please don't think I'm racist, I am just curious. Hopefully if you are reading this you won't mind answering - sorry if you are offended I did not mean to offend you.

In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?

o.k I am black so I will answer. I don't know if I fully understand the question but I will give it a try. the texture of the Afro hair that you see well that's the texture of our hair. its what it looks like when its combed out. obviously we have varying textures.

we corn row our hair because its easier to keep that way than the Afro because that tends to get tangled sometimes. Our hair grows in curls rather than straight like most other races.

Cornrowing doesn't take that much work sweetie we are used to it so its like clock work for us.

Make a black friend and maybe you might get to see what his or her hair is like. we really are like everyone else we make good friends. We love our hair and would be o.k with letting you see what its like and feel it. because it is the way it is we can do so much with it.

In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?

it naturally grows in a afro,

but if you wash but dont comb it will turn in to dread locks,

most tribes in africa have there hair canerowed, but there hair is still natural becasue they aint got know chemicals in there

In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?

I should imagine that all hair grows straight on all people no matter what race or they are, and the different styles are then applied either at home or at an hairdressers.

In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?


In what style does black people's hair naturally grow?

It grows afro but in this day and age we've got to look nice thats why we style it cus it looks tidier as well.

And how comes europeans use extensions, colour and plaits?

same reason for style purposes.

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