Saturday, August 1, 2009

Black Hair?

My hair is deep aurburn (almost brown) and its dyed dark brown at the moment. My roots look really silly. Can nayone sujest a style I could have cut in that make it look quite trendy and modern. Rather than a grumpy teen with no money!

Black Hair?

have a bob.

Black Hair?

ahhhhhhhh i think you are beautiful! gorgie!

Black Hair?

have u thought about highlights??

maybe try having some blonde and light brown added that way it take the focus off your auburn roots

Also if you have auburn hair its not a good idea dying it dark brown as the contrast of 2 colours makes the auburn stand out even more!Try doing an all over permanent light/medium brown

Black Hair?

I suggest you curl it. It would look better and more fashionable in curles. And also, try a newer, younger, hair dye colour. It helps!

Black Hair?

A pack of hair dye is cheaper than a haircut, dye it back to its original colour!!! There are also loads of cool hairbands out at the moment, try one instead and then get a job to save up for a hairstyle and go back to your natural colour so you dont have to worry about roots. Auburn hair is gorgeous! Just make sure it is healthy and shiny.

Black Hair?

try to go back to or as close to origional color,and cut it into a sassy bob! cute on most anyone and very "in"

Black Hair?

Man why do it, Why? I mean everyone does that when they are a teen, try and be out of the crowd with something different people will notice you more and remember you for having a different look. I doubt you look really bad anyway just say that you saw some singer you like using that hair style/colour and you like it

Black Hair?

get it layred

Black Hair?

I don't know what you should do while your hair grows back out, but I can not believe anyone would die their hair, when the natural color of their hair is auburn; auburn is the most beautiful hair color for a woman.

Black Hair?

It sounds like to me you should get your colour refreshed and maybe some highlights and get your hair layered.

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